Author: rotheramcarrington

Article written Suzy Reading  - Chartered Psychologist Everyone’s different. It’s a common refrain. And it’s true, everyone is different. A combination of background, life experience and natural brain variation inevitably influences a person’s perception of the world and how they interact with those around them. Yet...

The role of a Finance Director is crucial in any company, overseeing financial operations, guiding strategic decisions, and ensuring fiscal stability. But what sets apart a successful Finance Director from the rest? Financial acumen A successful Finance Director possesses a deep understanding of financial principles, accounting practices,...

In today's competitive job market, standing out and advancing in your career can often be a challenging task. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, the key to success lies in continuously developing your skills and making a lasting impression. Let's explore...

How Long Does It Take To Hire? We now see lots of businesses using social media to recruit directly, I get it potentially saves money, but does it? If your business doesn't have an HR function, is it the best use of a line manager's time...

When we asked what questions people have about recruitment agencies and why they sometimes struggle to use them, many answered that they feel confused about the way they work. How would candidates have nothing to pay to get a job to the point where recruiters...

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" Many believe that preparing for the worst is some sort of excuse lurking in the back of the mind telling you it can’t really happen but actually it is the opposite of that- it is a smart move. To...

The financial industry is in the midst of a digital revolution, and it's reshaping the way we manage money and make financial decisions. This transformation is no longer just a buzzword; it's a fundamental shift that demands the finance sector, including its senior professionals, to...

Addressing difficult news with your employees is a challenging but necessary aspect of being a manager or leader. Whether it's discussing layoffs, handling performance issues, or sharing disappointing financial results, the way you deliver this information can significantly impact trust, morale, and the overall work...

The world of accounting has been transformed by digital technology in recent years. Everything has changed drastically, from how accountants work to the tools they use. It is crucial for accountants to keep up with these changes to remain competitive in the industry. In this...