Work & Wellbeing..

We are finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.  Children have started to return to school and the pressure of home schooling alongside everything else has been removed, and as we continue through the 4-stage plan, hopefully we will have some further normality and be able to see loved ones soon.  It’s been too long.

Whilst we continue to progress down this positive path, the majority still working remotely, or doing a mix. If its anything like I’m feeling, the lines of working and home life have become blurred, with many working longer hours than before. So, to spur us on and get us through the final hurdle, some self-care tips for working from home.

Build a daily routine

Routines give a sense of rhythm and purpose to our day which is reassuring.  It also helps to boost your circadian rhythms, promoting the chance of better quality sleep, which we all know is central to feeling good.

Keep a regularity to the time you rise and go to bed, shower and dress in an outfit that helps you feel put together and kick start your morning – with one of the most important meals of the day – breakfast!

Create some loose boundaries to your working day, knowing when you will clock on and down tools at the end of the day.  There needs to be time to hydrate and feed your brain, to move for your mental health and regular breaks throughout the day to boost your mood throughout your day.  In the evening set the intention to relax and restore, so you are ready to focus again tomorrow.

Create a harmonious environment

Outer order helps to create inner harmony, so make your bed, tidy up your living space, throw the curtains open to maximise natural light and make your work area as clear as possible to help you concentrate.

If you can, get outside and enjoy the soothing effects of being in nature, but even watching the moving trees from your desk can help you feel calm.  Talk about your favourite calm, safe places for a dose of natural therapy and perhaps use them as inspiration for your own meditations.

Focus your mind

When your mind feels full up, or worries are spiralling, bring it back to what lies within your control.  We can get caught up in the endless ‘what ifs’, but ‘what can I do’ puts you back in control.  If your mind keeps flitting to things outside your control, go gently on yourself and use the happy distractions in the remaining tips.

Move for your mood

We often associate the benefits of movement with the physical body, but we need it just as much for our mental health.  Nothing fancy is required! Some gentle yoga stretches to release stress, a swift walk up and down the stairs to get the blood and endorphins pumping or my favourite, with the children – a kitchen disco session!

Micro moments of nourishment

Dot your day with nourishing practices to uplift and sustain you.  It can be as simple as massaging in some hand cream, with a scent you love, a single piece of music or a minute of meditation to calm you.

Breathe better to feel better

Slowing down your breath can calm your mind and body, but if focusing on the breath alone feels difficult, move with the breath instead: find a comfortable place to rest your hands, palms facing upwards. As you breathe in, open your hands fully and as you breathe out, make a gentle fist.  Keep focusing on the movement of your hands and notice how this relaxes your breathing – a great distraction from unhelpful thoughts.

Make time to connect

We need connection as much as we need food in our tummies, so make the time to talk on the phone, pick a photo and reminisce over various online medias – Zoom, WhatsApp, or simply send a text to check in.  This is a golden opportunity to communicate care.

Reboot yourself

You are no different from your devices, so remember to switch off and nourish yourself with your downtime.  While technology is essential for keeping us connected, be mindful of your visual diet and make sure there is screen free time.  Fill your spare time with activities likes games, puzzles, podcasts, audiobooks, your favourite TV programme or movie; to building a bank of happy memories with your family.

Written by Amy Knowles